What is the healthiest way to put your hair up?

The healthiest way to put your hair up is to use a scrunchie or fabric-covered elastic band, as these don’t pull on the hair as much as metal or plastic bands.
This is especially important for those with finer hair, as the elastic can cause breakage or damage if it’s too tight.

The easiest way to use a scrunchie safely is to make sure you’re not pulling your hair too tightly when you wrap it around and secure it. You should be able to comfortably move the scrunchie up and down your ponytail without any harsh tugging on the strands of your hair. When using an elastic band, try using two fingers together to hold it in place while wrapping, instead of stretching the fabric out with one hand—this will help minimize tension on both the scalp and individual hairs themselves. This technique works particularly well for people who have a lot of layered locks that don’t want to stay put in a regular ponytail holder.

It’s also best to avoid putting your hair up when wet; wait until after you’ve blow-dried or styled it before securing into place with a scrunchie or elastic band. Not only will this help reduce strain on follicles from yanking at damp strands, but styling beforehand allows you flexibility in how much volume and texture your updo has overall—allowing you more creative freedom! After all, why settle for just another boring bun? Upgrade yours by adding some pretty braids or clip-in extensions first before gathering everything up into a chic chignon. Experimentation is key when creating beautiful hairstyles so don’t be afraid to go outside of what’s customary!

• Scrunchies can cause breakage and damage if it’s too tight.
• When using an elastic band, use two fingers together to hold it in place while wrapping instead of stretching with one hand.
• It’s best to avoid putting your hair up when wet; wait until after you’ve blow-dried or styled it before securing into place with a scrunchie or elastic band.

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