Do 13 year olds need skincare?

Yes, 13 year olds should maintain a basic skin care routine to help keep their skin healthy. This includes cleansing, moisturizing, and using sunscreen when exposed to the sun.

Cleansing is the foundational step for any skin care routine. It involves washing your face with a gentle cleanser twice a day to clear away dirt, oil, and sweat from the surface of your skin as well as unclog pores. The best way to do this is by using lukewarm water and massaging in circular motions with a gentle cleanser. This will help keep bacteria away while preserving natural oils on the surface of your skin that are essential for keeping it hydrated and balanced. Make sure not to scrub too hard or use overly hot water – both can damage delicate young skin.

Moisturizing follows cleansing and should be done at least once per day after you’ve washed your face, but preferably multiple times throughout the day when possible (for example if you’re going outside during different times of the day). Different kinds of moisturizers are available depending on what type of skin you have so it’s important to choose one that works best for you – generally speaking though look out for ones labelled “lightweight” or “oil-free” since these tend to work better for younger skins which typically don’t need heavy creams yet. Applying moisturizer helps lock in hydration into your skin leaving it feeling soft and radiant!

Finally sunscreen is an incredibly important part of any skincare routine – especially if you’re 13 year old who spends time outdoors exposed to sunlight! Sunscreen acts as a barrier between harmful UV rays from sun exposure and keeps them away from damaging your precious young skin cells that may lead down the road later in life due to cumulative exposure over time even though they might not show now while you’re still relatively young. So make sure whenever spending extended periods outdoors (and especially when near reflective surfaces like snow) put on some sunscreen anywhere exposed such as face neck arms etc before heading outside!

Interesting Facts about Cleansing, Moisturizing, and Sunscreen:
• The best way to cleanse your skin is by using lukewarm water in circular motions with a gentle cleanser.
• Different kinds of moisturizers are available depending on what type of skin you have so it’s important to choose one that works best for you.
• Sunscreen acts as a barrier between harmful UV rays from sun exposure and keeps them away from damaging your skin cells.

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